Many small businesses are currently switching over to VoIP business phone handsets. Though such devices have many benefits, a good number of entities don’t utilize some of their most valuable features. Besides voicemail, toll-free numbers, call waiting, call forwarding and remote operation there are various other features that could benefit any business immensely.
Door Phone Entry Buzzer Integration
This enables one integrate an analog door phone to the network. With this, it’s possible to have a two-way call with visitors and unlock the door using business phone handsets to allow them entry. This is a great feature that would help beef up security and control access for visitors.
Call Routing
Mobile workers would appreciate the find me/follow me call routing function. This allows one to create a list of numbers where they can be found before a call can be pushed to voicemail. For instance, one could set their office phone ring twice then divert the call to their mobile handset on the third ring. After this, the home phone would follow and the call sent to voice mail if the person is unreachable.
Voice-to-email Transcription
This transcribes voicemail messages to text then sends them to a pre-set email address. One doesn’t have to scramble so as to note down vital details like names, addresses and numbers. Instead, these can be accessed from an email account. This feature enables filing, organization and search of voicemails in an efficient, convenient way.
This feature would be of great benefit for companies that often have to put their callers on hold. Rather than having them listen to elevator music or silence, one can choose what the callers listen to as they wait. The best bet would be going for easy, soothing contemporary tunes.
Bandwidth Utilization and Call Detail Reports
Data tracking is essential for businesses as it helps point out where more time and energy should be directed. There are managed, cloud-based services that provide information on bandwidth utilization which allows the proprietor view their data usage over a certain period. Call detail reports show the details of the firm’s call history for both incoming and outgoing calls. This includes details like cost, rate centers, originator, destination and duration.
Coaching Tools
Rather than giving staff members advice after they’ve ended a call, it would be better to offer them tips while still on phone. Features like whisper and barge help in monitoring and training the employees’ on-phone performance. The first allows one to provide tips and information while they’re in contact over the phone without alerting the other party. Barge allows one listen to live conversations without any interruptions.