Is your ceiling is ugly or you simply need a change? There are several ways you can update it. Some upgrades require an investment while others are more economical. The ultimate design for ceiling panels Newcastle lies in your personal taste. Here are some great ideas you can use to cover your old ceiling.
Acoustical Tiles
This is a great choice if you wish to soundproof your room. Acoustical tiles are made of fiberglass. They are installed through the drop-ceiling technique. The tiles drop from straps. They can also be snapped together without the use of straps. Have a professionally installed acoustic ceiling to ensure that it retains insulating quality. Depending on the material used, acoustic tiles can minimize the heating and cooling costs of a house.
Plastic Tiles
These are less pricey and lightweight alternatives to tin ceilings. They are usually embossed in various patterns like wreaths, flowers, and repetitive designs. They may also come in 3-D and geometric patterns.
Drop Ceiling
Another economic cover-up is the drop ceiling. A grid system is installed and the ceiling tiles placed into the opening. If you are an avid DIYer, you must know how to use a level.
Pressed Tin
These panels come in patterned metal sheets. They are common in loft apartments and older houses. To use the pressed tin panels, you will have to incorporate drapes and rugs to absorb the echo. If you need to paint the panels, be sure to use an oil-based paint. Such paint does not chip easily. Use the paint once the panel is installed. The best tool for this painting job is the deep-nap roller.
Surface-Mount Tiles
The grid system for surface mount ceiling tiles is easier to install than the drop ceiling. The tiles are attached directly to the grid. The work can be done by a single person. Often, the tiles have to be cut into different sizes with scissors.
Suspended Grid
Sometimes, there are exposed ducts, electric wires, and pipes on the ceiling. The suspended grid becomes the most viable option. The design comprises of galvanized steel as main beams, hanger wires, molding screws, cross T-fittings, and wall molding. Suspended grids are available in sizes 2 by 4 and 2 by 2 feet. It is a perfect system for any space where you feel that you need ample lighting with fluorescent fixtures. If it as to be painted, latex paint is recommended. The installation is not hard and can be accomplished by two people.
There is no shortage of ceiling panels Newcastle. But before you choose a ceiling panel, think about the purpose of your room.
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