5 Tips For Installing LED Stadium Lighting

5 Tips For Installing LED Stadium Lighting

LED stadium lights are the go-to lighting solution for many sports applications. The quality light emitted by LED stadium lighting fixtures enhances fan experience and increases safety. Further, LEDs have longer lifespan, offer incredible energy savings amongst other benefits.

To really enjoy all the benefits of LED stadium lighting, the installation project has to be top-notch. Anything less than that will only hurt your efforts greatly. As a guide, here is an overview of the top five tips of success when it comes to LED sports lights installation.

1. Customize Your Solution

Let no one lie to you: there’s no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to LED installation. Each space offers unique requirements based on the existence (or lack thereof) of natural light, the specific project done, the existing lighting fixtures on the ground and other important factors. How you install LED stadium lights in an institution will differ from a manufacturing firm. A good grasp of the project will plunge you in the right direction.

2. Review Your Challenges

Some spaces present more challenges than others. A good example is damp environments. Even with proper air conditioning and dehumidification systems in place, the installation project will require light fixtures that are IP rated for a damp location. You’ll also need to prevent glare to enhance safety and navigability.

3. Maximize Existing Infrastructure

LED stadium installation projects aren’t an excuse to do away with existing infrastructure. You can get creative during the installation project even if it’s a one-on-one replacement job. Find ways to compliment your LED directional light with other sources so as to achieve a perfect spread of light.

4. Bundle Multiple Projects

It is amazing just how much you can save by combining all your lighting problems into one huge project. And, you know, if you looked around hard enough, you will come with a long list of improvements that can potentially save you money in energy costs.

5. Optimize Your Lighting Control Systems

Finally, to derive maximum value from your LED stadium lighting, you want to design systems of reducing the lighting power density of your space. One such system works by dimming your LEDs and hence increasing light output over the course of time. Others have additional features like occupancy detection and zoned control.


Before you pick up your tools in readiness for your LED stadium light installation project, consider these five tips to make thing seamless, affordable and less stressful. Why do an average job when you can stretch a little and make the project worth the while?

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