Shrinkles: Spend Quality Time With Your Children

Shrinkles: Spend Quality Time With Your Children

As the old saying goes “A family that plays together, stays together”- investing time with your children can result in making them feel less stressed and more settled, cooperative, secure and confident. Shrinkles is a fun family craft brand that allows both parents and kids to enjoy together. The craft includes drawing, tracing or coloring pre-printed pictures and cutting out creations that are popped in the over with the help of an adult. When Shrinkles are baked, they shrink by nearly seven times thicker and seven times smaller than their original state. Suitable for children aged 7- 11 years, this shrinking plastic craft kit also allows both parents and kids to create badges, fridge magnets, pencil toppers, figurines, jewelry and lots more, resulting in lovely hand- made gifts. Doing crafts along with your child can make memories that will often last longer than the craft itself. To learn more about the benefits of spending quality time with your children, read the guide below.

1: Less Behavioral Issues

When children spend quality time with their families, they are less likely to have behavioral issues at home or school. The kids are usually happy and well adjusted and will probably have fewer arguments at home and lesser problems in school in terms of disobedience. Well-loved kids are less likely to indulge in risky behavior, including crime or drug use.

2: Build a Strong Foundation for Adulthood

When kids spend time with their parents, they tend to observe the process and assimilate values form their parents. They tend to imbibe the morals and principles which the family upholds. They grow up to understand the value of hard work, kindness, honesty, education, and forgiveness and learn the difference between safe and unsafe and right and wrong. Children become self-confident and have a more positive attitude towards life.

3: Create Unbreakable Bond

The bond between a parent and child need to be worked on overtime to make it strong and everlasting. Making an effort to spend time with your kids can yield positive results in the future. Growing up can sometimes be quite confusing and difficult for kids. However, if parents share a good bond with their kids, they can make the child aware of the consequences of their thoughts and actions and guide them on the right path.

Last, but not the least, spending time with your children can help fond memories that are priceless and everlasting.

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