Wireless Safety Alert Systems

Wireless Safety Alert Systems

What else can give you peace of mind than the assurance of getting help whenever you need it? Well, with our wireless safety alert systems, you are guaranteed instant help on 24/7 basis. All you need do is press the emergency button and you get help within minutes.

Whether you are the caregiver to a loved one, a healthcare professional, or a senior, you can choose to live without fear by installing our safety gadget. As a caregiver, it can be time-consuming to just stay to look after your loved one even when most physical needs have been taken care of. This device gives you freedom to carry out other chores as you can be alerted instantly when help is needed.

Everyone gets older by the ticking of the clock, but how we age is our choice. Studies reveal that seniors are at higher risks of falling due to reduced mobility. This realization further complicates the problem as seniors live in fear of falling. This should no longer be the case, especially with our wireless safety alert systems that come with fall-activated system.

A fall-button senses a fall and triggers an emergency call to a call centre. A call centre representative instantly identifies your location, health history, and people identified as of nearest help. This means you no longer have to move around or shout looking for help. The confidence of instant help gets you out of fear to do the much needed exercise at old age. However, it is advisable to still use the emergency button after a fall if possible.

So what makes our wireless alert systems unique?

Firstly, the system is plug-and-play with no complicated set-ups. Unless most models that require you to have landline connectivity, our systems connect wirelessly to the national networks. The wireless alert systems are also GPS enabled which makes tracking easy. Our pricing is open and pocket-friendly with no hidden subscriptions.

Subscribing to this service gives you flexibility to carry out your duties without worry. When not within the house, you can use our buttons to communicate with the base unit. You get the flexibility of wearing the button as a pedant or a watch. Our waterproof wireless buttons have a wide-range of connectivity adding to the overall freedom.

Our nurse call points are meant to improve productivity while reducing the fear of medical emergencies. The systems have not only been of help to seniors and health professionals but also workers in general. Medication reminder functionality has proved valuable to patients of all class. Call us today to grab your cover.

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