Stress can cause all sorts of physical and mental symptoms. It can lead to hypertension, chronic pain, heart attacks, and strokes if not addressed. Stress counseling can help alleviate these physical symptoms and prevent the overuse of medications. It can also help with coping skills.
Reduces absences
A stress management program in your workplace could boost your company’s productivity. Stress management programs can improve sales by up to 23 percent and reduce absenteeism by up to 24 percent. However, you should remember that stress counselling is not suitable for everyone. Some people may not be able to receive the service due to a variety of reasons. These may include childcare responsibilities, recurring school closure cycles, and more. Regardless of the cause, you must trust your staff and make their needs your top priority.
Absences from work are costly for both employees and employers. Depression is the second leading cause of time off, behind only anxiety disorders. As the number of remote workers has increased, so has the number of people missing work due to mental health problems. A recent study suggests that nearly half of all lost days are attributed to work-related stress.
Reduces turnover
Research has shown that stress counselling helps to reduce the likelihood of employee turnover. However, high-stress levels lead to various negative effects on employees, including absenteeism, high blood pressure, headaches, and difficulty sleeping. In turn, stress decreases productivity and creates a difficult working environment. This can lead to a high staff turnover rate, which costs companies money and time.
Employers will improve employee morale by reducing employee turnover, leading to greater financial performance. Employees who are satisfied with their workplace are likely to refer others to join the company. Furthermore, employees who are happy with their work will remain loyal to their employers. Furthermore, higher employee morale means a more productive workforce, which means more revenue for the company.
While high employee turnover is costly for organizations, it is preventable. Employees who are calm and able to manage their stress can perform at the highest level without burning out. They are also more likely to respect their colleagues and contribute to collaborative projects. Thus, stress counselling can help decrease the amount of employee turnover and increase employee morale.
Improves coping skills
Stress counselling can help you learn to cope with your stress and develop coping strategies. Stress is not a fun experience. It takes a toll on your body and mind. Learning how your body responds to stress is crucial for preventing negative health consequences. The following are ways that stress counselling can help you cope with stress.
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