Tips On Shopping For Byron Bay Pendant Lights

Tips On Shopping For Byron Bay Pendant Lights

The word illuminate finds its etymological roots in the Latin word ‘illuminare’, which means ‘to light up or make bright’. When you shop for light fixtures, you will find a wide and varied range of styles and designs to choose from. While pendant lights are usually used in the interior of the house or property, they are also great for lighting up a balcony or a patio. Some of the styles and shapes of Byron Bay pendant lights for you to consider include bell, linear, bowl, and the mini lights.

Choosing Lights to Suit the Room

One of the first things you should consider when looking at Byron Bay pendant lights is the direction of the lighting. When the pendant lights face downwards they offer directed and focused lighting. They are particularly great for the dining area, or to light up a corner of the room. If you want to increase the lighting in a room but do not want to focus on any particular portion, you can opt for pendant lights that throw the light upwards. Such light fixtures offer soft, indirect lighting.

Choice Galore

Pendant lights are available in a wide range of materials including glass, copper, bronze, and rattan. You can also find fabric pendant lights that are just right for the color scheme in your room. Whether your interior décor is traditional, contemporary, or an eclectic mix, you will find a range of pendant lights that will be just perfect for your home.
A quick online search will reveal the many different shapes and sizes that are available so that you can pick one or more lights that meet your requirements and preferences. You can choose to hang a pendant light or a set of them in your room. They will not only light up the area but also add an interesting design element to space.

Practical Considerations

Before you are ready to start shopping for pendant lights for your home or office you will need to decide where you intend to hang them. Since they are great for task lighting you should measure the space you wish to illuminate. The height at which the lights will hang should be adjusted based on the height of the ceiling.
For a ceiling that is eight feet tall, the lights should hang about 12-20 inches. If your ceiling is higher, you can let the pendant lights hang down a few more inches. Do remember to keep the lights at least 35-38 inches away from countertops and surfaces such as tables that are illuminated by it.

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