The Importance Of Preventative Dentistry Eastwood

The Importance Of Preventative Dentistry Eastwood

If you’re wondering how to maintain excellent oral health, several preventative dental care techniques can benefit your overall health. From daily brushing to professional techniques such as dental cleanings and oral exams, these techniques can help you maintain healthy teeth and gums. T

Regular dental checkups

Regular dental checkups at Preventative Dentistry Eastwood clinics allow dentists to detect potential problems with your oral health. Many patients don’t realize they have cavities or gum disease until it’s too late. Even serious illnesses such as mouth cancer can develop without symptoms, and regular dental checkups will detect any problems early enough for treatment to be effective.

Your dentist will also check your jaw and neck for signs of oral cancer. X-rays can detect abnormalities in your jaw and neck. These x-rays are important in detecting cancer, bone loss in your mouth, and other health problems. They can also help detect periodontal disease, leading to tooth loss.


Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral used in dentistry to prevent cavities and strengthen tooth enamel. It works by fighting off harmful bacteria that attack tooth enamel. Fluoride is especially beneficial to people at high risk of developing cavities. Cavities are caused by the buildup of bacteria on the teeth called plaque, which releases acid that attacks the tooth’s outer layer. The bacteria also cause damage to the blood and nerves inside the tooth.

Fluoride helps prevent dental caries, but its effects depend on the right dose, time, and place. Fluoride is most effective in the mouth when small amounts are continuously present. It is found in dental plaque and saliva. It is easily absorbed by demineralized enamel.

Children’s fissure sealants

Fissure sealants are a great way to protect your child’s teeth from dental decay. These dental products are applied in liquid form to the chewing surfaces of the teeth and hardened using a dental curing light. They are most commonly applied to the back teeth, especially the second molars. They are an effective preventative treatment for children and adults, and the procedure is painless. Children will benefit from the protective coating, but it cannot replace regular dental care.

Dental implants

There are many benefits to dental implants. Unlike traditional bridges, an implant does not depend on the neighboring teeth’s strength to succeed. This restoration can improve how you speak, eat, and care for your teeth. It can also be used to restore damaged teeth.

Dental implants are not a quick fix; they require regular maintenance and care. You must brush and floss your teeth twice daily and schedule regular dental checkups to properly ensure your new teeth function. Dental implants may cost a couple of thousand dollars each, so it is important to keep your oral hygiene up to date. Preventative Dentistry Eastwood encourages patients to have two yearly cleanings.

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