Simple Tips To Help You Win Arabic Translation Jobs In Perth

Simple Tips To Help You Win Arabic Translation Jobs In Perth

Nearly every day, good Arabic translation companies receive about 10-12 emails from translators looking for translation positions. Unfortunately, some of the application emails are written in a very unprofessional manner and most of them end up in the spam folders. How can you ensure that your application is accepted all the time? Well, here are a few of the tips that can help you increase your chances of being hired by Arabic translation agencies in Perth.

1. Find out the type of translation jobs on offer

You should always strive to know the areas of expertise that an agency is looking to fill at any given time. This will help you to fine-tune your application, increasing your chances of success. A translation agency is more likely to hire a translator who specifies his or her expertise, past work history, translation niche, educational background, and career goals than a translator who simply states that he or she is able to translate Arabic to English or French.

2. Explain Your Translation Capabilities Claim

Don’t just state that you can translate from Arabic to a second language. If you do, the translation agency will automatically think that you are not professional enough. Unless you are those extraordinary people who are native speakers of several languages, take your time to explain how you are able to speak or master multiple languages. For example, you can state that your mother is an Arab and your father is British and both introduced you to their native languages at an early age. You can also state that you studied in an international school where you were taught certain languages.

3. Carry A Background Search On The Translation Agency

To make a good first impression with your application letter or email, you need to know a few facts about the translation agency, their goals, and type of clients that they work with. Strive to also know the person whom the application should be addressed to. If you are just sending a blind email or application, there are high chances that it will end in the agency’s spam folder.
Additionally, there are translation agencies that prefer candidates to fill web forms. If you want to stand a chance as the right Arabic translator Perth candidate for such an agency, fill the form and include all the details specified. If you contact them via email, you will be wasting your time.

Finally, something utterly critical: always remember that you are one who dictates the rate that you should be paid—not the agency! In the same vein, the agencies are free to accept or refuse your proposal. So, besides the above strategies, know your worth before applying any Arabic translator Perth position.

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