Rhinoplasty Brisbane: What You Need To Know

Rhinoplasty Brisbane: What You Need To Know

Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures requested by both men and women. Rhinoplasty helps improve not just the appearance of the nose but its function as well. Its main purpose is to change the shape of one’s nose through the manipulation of the skin, bone and/or cartilage. The procedure can create a more visually pleasing appearance and improve breathing.

What to Expect About Rhinoplasty Brisbane

When it comes to rhinoplasty Brisbane has some of the best professionals in the industry. However, rhinoplasty is still a type of surgical procedure. Before signing up for a rhinoplasty Brisbane professionals suggest a few key steps.

Undergo the preliminaries.

Prior to the procedure, your doctor will review your medical history and have you undergo a physical exam which may include laboratory tests. Once you are cleared, your doctor will take photos of your face and nose from several angles. These images will be used for reference before and after the procedure. Use your consultation to discuss with your doctor your concerns and expectations. The more you understand the procedure, the better the results will meet your expectations.

Follow the doctor’s recommendations.

Your doctor will recommend certain restrictions a few weeks prior to the procedure. For example, you may be asked to avoid taking certain types of medications such as blood thinners and painkillers. You may also be asked to avoid using over-the-counter supplements and herbal remedies. Smoking and alcohol may also be prohibited.

Know how your doctor will perform the surgery.

Since you will be placed under sedation during the surgery, your doctor may choose between local or general anesthesia. If you have any concerns about this part of the procedure, clarify any issues with your doctor. Rhinoplasty may also be performed inside the nose or through an incision made between the nostrils, depending on your and your doctor’s preferences and the results you want.

Post-surgery care is also critical for proper healing. Make sure to follow care procedures recommended by medical personnel. You might be asked to refrain from strenuous activities and to consume nutritious food to expedite the healing process.

Be aware of the risks.

Rhinoplasty is considered a major surgery and carries certain risks, including bleeding and infection. Anesthesia will be applied during the surgery and adverse reactions may occur in some patients.

Post-surgery, rhinoplasty patients may also experience other issues, such as pain, swelling, and discoloration that persists, difficulty breathing with the nose, uneven appearance of the nose, scarring, and permanent numbness in the area.

To reduce the risks, always talk to your rhinoplasty Brisbane surgeon about what you can and cannot realistically expect. It is also recommended that you provide your doctor all the necessary information about your health and the results you want. After all, rhinoplasty is all about working together with a professional to achieve the looks you deserve.

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