Learn More About Alternative Period Protection

Learn More About Alternative Period Protection

Women everywhere are constantly on the lookout for high-quality and truly reliable options in period protection. Nothing is worse than having a maxi-pad or tampon fall short of doing its job while you’re in public. The resulting leaks are not only incredibly embarrassing, but they can also ruin some of your favorite furnishings and clothes. Fortunately, there are a number of new and truly innovative options in alternative period protection that may prove to be far more effective.


What many women want from these products is an optimum amount of discretion. Menstrual discs are designed to be inserted into the body much like tampons. Rather than absorbing flow materials, however, these discs simply catch them. Once they are full, you simply pull them out and dispose of them along with their contents. Menstrual discs do not cause the same level of discomfort that an improperly inserted tampon might given that the are attached directly to the cervix at the top of the vaginal canal. Moreover, they make it possible for women to remain sexually active throughout their cycles without exposing their partners to any mess. They are popular among modern and independent women who don’t want their periods to slow them down.

Another benefit of a menstrual disc is that they’re perfect for those who participate in highly active, competitive sports. If you wear a leotard or other tight-fitting or short garment when playing your sport, you shouldn’t have to worry about having a tampon string slip out. With menstrual discs, you can go to swim meets, participate in ice skating competitions or remain an active part of your gymnastics team, even when your flow is at its heaviest.

Period Panties

Period panties are undergarments that are designed with built-in absorbent materials. These eliminate the need to wear any secondary products entirely. Rather than inserting a tampon or putting on a maxi-pad, you simply put these panties on and pull them up. The absorbent materials at the crotch will soak up all liquids while trapping in odors and keeping the skin sufficiently comfortable and dry. These undergarments have a thin and sleek design that make them virtually undetectable beneath the clothes. They are perfect for ladies who dislike the bulky feel of maxi-pads, but who are also reticent to wear tampons at all times. With elastic grips at the legs, these panties are incredibly effective at preventing embarrassing leaks.


Choosing The Right Option For You

Learning more about these new products does not have to be a costly endeavor at all. The companies that have designed them are more than willing to let consumers try them out for free. You can visit the official websites of these entities to request samples or high-value coupons. This way, you won’t pay full price for any products that you may or may not like.

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