3 Quick And Easy Steps Sure To Curb Dog Mischief

3 Quick And Easy Steps Sure To Curb Dog Mischief

No one likes an out-of-control dog. From tearing up furniture to barking at odd hours of the night, there’s just some quite intolerable behavior. If this then describes your dog, it’s time to get it under control and give it some dog training at home

It shouldn’t be too difficult. And don’t feel bad either dogs love to learn new tricks.

With these three quick and easy steps, you’ll have unruly dog behavior under wraps in no time.

Positive Reinforcement

If you’re going to train a dog to do anything, then positive reinforcement as a training technique comes highly recommended. Poor dog behavior like excessive barking can be disruptive, problematic, and cause friction with the people around us. To counter such behavior with positive reinforcement, always focus on good behavior and reward it with treats, for example. Positive reinforcement allows a dog to recognize what is good from what is undesirable. Once they catch on to the fact that good behavior is rewarded, it gives them an incentive and, as such, works well.

Using Distraction Toys

Toys are great for distracting a dog from bad behavior. As long as you pick up on the various triggers that result in unruliness, you can provide a distraction toy before the trigger arrives. Also great for providing mental stimulation, these toys can be used during playtime, where you can now take it a step further and teach some simple and easy commands like fetch. By keeping your dog busy with distraction toys, it should wear off all the restless and pent-up energy that often leads to unruliness. Once they’re all tired out, there isn’t much room for mischief now, is there?

Ultrasonic devices

Ultrasonic devices are gadgets that produce high-pitched sounds that only dogs can hear. These high-frequency sounds are known to annoy them. To aid in stopping bad behavior, these devices are great for when you have multiple dogs in a neighborhood. Should they all band together and start whining and barking, an ultrasonic device should put them off the habit.

Note that they have a specific range, though, so placement is key. The device should face the dog, and for it to work, your furry friend must be within range. Plus, there should be no obstacles between them that could disrupt the sound. Be sure to turn it off, though, once the nuisance stops otherwise, your canine friend might get used to the sound, and the device is rendered useless.


Any sort of dog training should always be positive and reward-based. Giving a dog things they like, such as food, toys, or praise when they do well, encourages them to do it again. Of course, for it to work, you’re required to be in the know of what the dog’s favorite things are. Remember, by making dog training at home short, fun, and rewarding, your puppy is more likely to pick up on the training quicker and be done with those annoying little quirks in no time.

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