Holes are hundreds of feet long. Disc golf players need to cover a large distance on their drives to make it easier to reach the basket. It all starts from here. If you are having trouble getting close to the basket, then you will need to work on this as soon as possible. It is all about the power, the accuracy, the endurance, and the techniques. Beginners can make great strides as long as they dedicate themselves to the sport and do all of the things necessary to achieve their goals. Consider becoming a member of a disc golf Brisbane club. You can also try the following:
Hit the Gym
Practicing on the course is definitely helpful. However, you should also consider doing off-course work. Hit the gym if you can to lift weights. While you do not need to train like a bodybuilder, you do need to get stronger to take the disc farther. You will see that the best players in disc golf are quite fit. They work on every muscle group. It is obvious that the arms and shoulders should be strong but you cannot just focus on these. Having strong legs can add distance to your drives. You can also generate more power and stability from your core muscles. If you don’t have access to a gym right now, then do bodyweight exercise at home such as plank variations, push-ups, squats, lunges, and crunches.
Do the Drills
Practice using different drills depending on your weaknesses and strengths. You can also try to use whatever is available in your area. For example, the people who have access to football fields can try to throw the disc through the middle of the goal posts. They can start at the 50-yard line and move back with each rep until they become comfortable throwing from the back. If this kind of sports facility is not available, then consider using lampposts or trees as your markers. You could also lay cones on a park’s open field. Look for other drills that you can perform such as net drills in your backyard and towel drills at home.
Get a Mentor
Work on your form and your follow through. You may want to use mirrors or even take videos of your throws to see whether you are doing things correctly. Watch the best players and compare your form with them. See if you can adjust slowly but surely. It will take time to unlearn bad habits and adapt good ones. If you are having difficulty with this, then you might want to look for a mentor. This could be a friend or a disc golf Brisbane club member. Anyone who is better than you and willing to help is a good candidate.
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