Important Things To Know About Using Super Glue For Varicose Veins

Important Things To Know About Using Super Glue For Varicose Veins

Varicose veins, often caused by a condition known as chronic venous insufficiency, can create a tremendous amount of discomfort and embarrassment. As this condition progresses, it can cause dark-colored, bulging veins to appear all throughout the lower extremities. These typically perform on the calves, at the ankles, and even along the feet. They can make it difficult to comfortably and confidently don revealing footwear and clothing like sandals, shorts, skirts, or swimming attire. More importantly, they are often accompanied by an intense, burning sensation as well as significant swelling. Fortunately, super glue for varicose veins may offer the perfect solution.

Why Super Glue?

Any medical treatment that’s performed with super glue can make people feel a bit leery. This is especially true when the glue in question is being inserted directly into the patient’s veins. Surprisingly, however, this is an advanced, medical procedure that has actually proven to be quite successful. Moreover, the adhesive that is used in these treatments is in fact very similar to the super glue for varicose veins that you can purchase at your local general or drug store. It has only been slightly modified for safe use within this application.

The correct medical term for this glue when it is used as a vein sealant is cyanoacrylate. It is not known to cause any significant side effects. Moreover, it allows for one of the safest and least invasive procedures for correcting damaged veins.

How Does This Product Work?

When veins are too weak to do their job effectively, blood can begin pooling within them. This is what creates their bulging appearance and the evident discoloration. Once damage has progressed to this point and has become visible at the surface of the skin, there is zero likelihood that the vein in question will return to normal functioning. Instead, it will merely be an uncomfortable eyesore for the rest of the patient’s life until it is properly treated.

By gluing a damaged vein closed, it is possible to force the body to build new pathways for routing blood. This is something that the circulatory system is very much capable of doing. Moreover, the creation of new and healthier veins can actually improve circulation in the lower extremities, especially when multiple veins have to be treated.

Vein Regression

Beyond merely prompting the creation of new veins that are both healthy and capable of performing their jobs, these treatments also incite an important process known as vein regression. Once veins have been sealed off, they will slowly wither away and retreat. Over time, they will become less visible at the skin’s surface, and eventually unable to cause discomfort, swelling or pain.

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