How to Prevent Gallstones

How to Prevent Gallstones

Gallstones are solids that form inside the gallbladder due to lifestyle and dietary issues. They can be extremely painful if they block the normal channels of fluids in the body. A person would have to undergo different treatments depending on the severity of the condition. For small stones, it might be enough to drink medicine that would dissolve them. For bigger stones, ultrasound or other methods may be needed to break them down. For massive stones, gallstone surgery North Shore doctors will have to be consulted. Of course, the best way to deal with this problem is to prevent it from happening in the first place through the following:

Get More Active

The gallstone surgery North Shore form from crystals of cholesterol and other substances that sunk to the bottom of the gallbladder and clumped together after a long time. Increased physical activity can help prevent their build-up due to hypomotility and bile stasis. Various studies have shown the link between moderate exercise and lower incidence of gallstones. The reverse is also true with studies showing that high BMI increases risk of formation. It doesn’t really matter what type of exercise you choose to do as long as you do more as a long-term habit.

Improve Your Diet

You want to keep cholesterol liquid so that it doesn’t harden and block flow. You can do this by having a low-fat, high-fiber diet. This means avoiding meats and other food items that are swimming in fats while getting good sources of fiber like raw fruits and vegetables. You can also consume whole-grain cereals, cooked beans, and the like. Just remember not to take things to the extreme through a crash diet or completely fat avoidance. You do need a bit of fat intake in your diet so just control it to reduce excess.

Consume Olive Oil

There are certain things that are known to lower the risk of gallstone formation including olive oil and lecithin. Consume around two tablespoons of olive oil each day to reduce cholesterol both in the gallbladder and in the blood. Cultures that consume olive oil as part of their native diet have low incidence of gallstones. Lecithin, on the other hand, is a natural thickener found in mayonnaise, ice cream, chocolate, milk, eggs, cabbage, soybeans, and more. It is also available in supplement form. It is able to stop cholesterol from becoming solid in the gallbladder so it is helpful for this condition.

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