Grade Control Drilling Company Kalgoorlie

Grade Control Drilling Company Kalgoorlie

Grade control drilling solutions help drill infill holes accurately. It increases the production rate without compromising the quality of the sample. Competent and trained technicians are sent to the worksite by the grade control drilling company Kalgoorlie. They have extensive training and experience in this type of drilling. Their main goal is to ensure high level of accuracy in drilling and sampling. Holes are made at the right places by the crew. It prevents incorrect sampling and there is no need for re-drilling.

Different Types of Grade Control Drilling Services

The drilling team offers both deep and advanced grade control services. It can perform shallow grade control. Reverse circulation and diamond drilling services are available. RC grade control is preferred for open cut mines. It results in highly defined ore grades. Excellent information is obtained for mine blasting and planning. This information helps reduce dilution of waste rock in the concentrated feed. It is the most accurate and cost effective way to delineate boundaries between the ore bodies and waste rock.

Benefits of Grade Control

There are many advantages of controlling the grade. It gives accurate reading for cost savings. Geologists have to ensure any drilling operation will give good return on the mining investment. The mineral grade can vary dramatically at different depths. A point under the ground comes when the metal in the ore is so low that mining is unprofitable at that depth. Grade control prevents losses. This technique increases productivity, profitability and efficiency. Machinery can be operated continuously because there is no need to measure the excavation and check the grade every now and then. Overall it saves both time and money while delivering high accuracy in samples and information.

Why Use It?

Mining is an expensive venture. It requires lots of investment even before the mining operation starts. A prospective mining area must be first drilled to explore the levels of metals present in the underground ore. If sufficient levels of metals are not present in the ore at a location, expensive mining setup and operations are avoided. The metal found at different levels is never constant. A grade control drilling company Kalgoorlie guides the system accurately and provides accurate results. This information proves useful in taking the right decision. Mining operations are not started in an area if sufficient amount of metal is not present in the underground ore.

Compact grade control rigs are available for difficult to access areas. These machines have a small footprint and minimum environmental impact. The equipment comes with cone sampling and dust suppression features.

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