The gallbladder’s main role is the storage and concentration of bile. This is a digestive enzyme made by the liver and sent to the small intestines when needed. Meanwhile, the gallbladder serves as the temporary holding area for the yellow-brown liquid. It’s an efficient system that usually works without a hitch. However, sometimes bile hardens into small objects called gallstone surgery North Shore. These stones can start off similar in size to sand and end up as big as a golf ball. The larger they are, the harder it will be to make them pass the narrow channels that were meant for fluids.
While there is no complete certainty regarding stone formation, the prevailing thought is that they can come about in three ways. The first is when a person consumes too much cholesterol. This makes its way into the bile and overwhelms the body such that it cannot be dissolved completely. Cholesterol may crystalized and grow into stones. Bilirubin is another culprit. It is a chemical that results after the breakdown of red blood cells. If the liver makes an excessive amount, then it could hasten stone formation. Lastly, it may just be that your gallbladder doesn’t get the chance to empty itself as often as it should. Crystals will pool at the bottom and may clump into stones.
You will know that you have gallstones if you feel a sudden intense pain at the upper right corner or center of your abdomen. You may also sense back pain in the middle of the shoulder blades or in the right shoulder. Some experience vomiting and nausea. This could be as short as a few minutes to as long as a number of hours. It is more common around women over 40 than the rest of the population. Those who are sedentary, pregnant, or obese are more likely to experience it. A bad diet and certain chronic conditions also increase the risk.
You can lower the risk by eating regularly instead of skipping meals. If you want to lose weight, then do so slowly. Keep this weight at a healthy level through physical activity and a balanced diet. Include fiber-rich food in your meals. If you already have stones, then confirm it through lab tests such as ultrasounds and CT scans. Smaller stones can be broken down using medication. Bigger ones require surgery. Consult gallstone surgery North Shore specialists to see if you are a good candidate for the procedure.
Secure the appropriate treatment as soon as possible to get relief from pain.
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