Acupuncture has been used to heal sports injuries and other illnesses for the longest time ever. But, most people do not know that acupuncture can be used for cosmetic purposes. It could be the solution to all your skin care issues. Acupuncture for acne treats breakouts and reduces redness, regulates hormones, and stimulates collagen.
Facial acupuncture
Most people are usually curious about facial acupuncture because what they visualize is a person lying on the stomach while the acupuncturist inserts tiny pins into your body. It can be terrifying for most people to have the needles pricked into their faces. However, that should not scare you aware because the practice has been in existence for centuries and it has been proven to treat acne.
What does facial acupuncture feel like?
The chances are that you are feeling scared of the procedure because of the needles. The needles used for facial acupuncture are tiny; half the thickness of your single hair strand. The best part is that the needles have a silicone coating so that they can glide into your skin without resistance. Also, facial acupuncture is carried out by a skilled acupuncturist as you rest on a table with relaxing music and heat therapy. The acupuncturist will insert the needles at exact points for the best results, and then they are left for the period of the session. Surprisingly, people who have undergone acupuncture to treat acne admit that the procedure is essentially painless and relaxing, contrary to what most people think about it.
How does acupuncture treat acne?
The ultimate objective of acupuncture is to enhance the radiance and texture of your skin and in the end reduce acne and aging signs. The treatment is personalized to meet individual needs as well as reduce acne based on your skin type. Additionally, body acupuncture is incorporated to enhance a balanced mind and body and reduce stress. When treating acne, the acupuncturist zeros into the cause of your acne so the expert can adequately address the cause. You should expect questions from the acupuncturist on the parts of your face that you feel have an issue and your general wellness and health.
How long does it take to treat acne with acupuncture?
Your treatment time after starting acupuncture varies. The objective is to get rid of toxins and reduce inflammation, which increases circulation. You might notice the results a few weeks after acupuncture based on the inflammation and toxin levels.
Can acupuncture prevent acne breakouts?
Preventing acne breakouts is among the top benefits of acupuncture for acne. A regular acupuncture treatment maintains energy and healthy circulation flow. As such, it reduces inflammation and stress that cause acne breakouts.
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