Falls: Risk Factors, Prevention, And Organizations

Falls: Risk Factors, Prevention, And Organizations

According to the Australian and New Zealand Falls Prevention Society, falls are one of the significant health issues affecting those who are over the age of 65, with about 30% of adults experiencing one fall per year. It is projected that this number will only increase, as the number of seniors grows. With its current rate, the cost of frequent falls is to be expected to rise around $1.4 billion by the year 2051.

Falls aren’t just dangerous to one’s health, but families sometimes overlook financial costs stemming from the medical intervention. The number of hospital bed days per year needed due to the incidence of falls will double between 2010 and 2051. It is a leading cause of injury-related hospitalisation for those over the age of 65, with the prevalence of hospital admissions only increasing.

Dangers of Falls and Risks

There are several risk factors when it comes to falls. Falls are a marker of acute health impairment, immobility, and frailty in an older person. It can cause injury that will lead to mobile limitations. The injuries associated with falls include fracture of the hip and pelvis. Those who are suffering from osteoporosis are also a risk group from obtaining a severe trauma from their falls.

Thankfully several falls prevention programs Sydney and organisations want to galvanise elderly citizens and preserve their autonomy. These organisations seek to help prevent falls from being a regular part of one’s life, as well as offering services to help prevent injuries stemming from a fall.

Falls Prevention Programs Sydney

Clinical Excellence Commission. This organisation has pushed a patient safety program that is centred around fall prevention. It notes that one in three people aged 65 and older fall at least once a year, and it has caused more than 400 deaths. The commission’s Fall Prevention Program aims to reduce the incidence and severity of these falls, as well as to reduce the psychological impact that these falls may have on the individual and their families. Clinical Excellence Commission has also partnered with the NSW Falls Prevention Network to promote research and the transparency.

Stepping On. Stepping On focuses on research and a prevention program that is based on the latest science. The program incorporates a group setting as well as individualised attention to help pinpoint risks to help prevent a fall. The program covers several issues like strength and balance exercises, safety footwear, and how to cope if a fall occurs.

The University of Sydney. This is a course to help public health students and health professionals who have an interest in falls prevention and the statistics that surround it. It’s an entirely online unit that teaches the principles of fall prevention, helping family members to focus on risk factors and the evaluation of prevention programs.

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