Dog Training At Home: How To Teach Your Dog The Basic Commands

Dog Training At Home: How To Teach Your Dog The Basic Commands

Can you give your dog training at home? Yes, not only you can, but you actually SHOULD give your dog some basic obedience training—ideally as soon as you bring your little paw-friend home.

Some tend to think that dog training at home is a daunting task. However, we can assure you that anything but that is true. In fact, it is simple enough to teach your dog some basic commands such as Sit, Come, Stay, Down, Heel, etc. This is all part of the dog’s behavior training. Unruly or unexpected behaviors and bad habits of your pet can harm the animal as well as get in the way of your well-being and that of the other members of your family. This is why teaching these basic commands to your dog from the very start is not only helpful but necessary.

That said, let’s see how you should go about it.

First of all, no matter whether you are teaching a little puppy or a full-grown dog, make sure to teach him one command at a time. For example, you may start with one of the easiest ones, such as the ‘Sit’ command. Hold a treat on one of your hand and then ask your dog to ‘sit’. Voice the command loud and clear. And once your dog crouches down on a sitting position, reward him with the treat and show him affection. Now, repeat these a few times and the dog will learn the command in a few day’s time.

While it is not hard teaching your dog some basic commands, there is just one thing that you’ll need while training your furry friend—and that is, patience on your part. Keep it in mind that although all of them are different, still most dogs (even more so, the puppies) are energetic by nature. So, they may not obey (that is, they won’t understand what you are asking of them) you from the word go. But try it a few times and reward them every single time they follow the command right and they will learn soon enough what you are asking of them when you voice a certain command.

Finally, make sure to teach one command at a time. Once they have mastered it, only then move on to the next one. And in a few week’s time, your dog will already have learned all the basic commands. And then, if you want, you can move on to teaching him some simple tricks such as High Fives and others.

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