Playing is not just fun for kids, but it also offers vital sensory stimulation. Sensory Toys Australia provides an expanding range of toys suitable for all ages and abilities to enhance sensory play.
Sensory toys include toys that stimulate the different senses, such as touch, hearing, sight, and smell. These toys offer dual purposes, providing entertainment and sensory stimulation simultaneously.
A kid who finds it hard to concentrate or has trouble sleeping may benefit from sensory play. Sensory stimulation can help a child regulate emotions, understand their environment, enhance cognitive development and connect to the world around them.
Sensory Toys Australia is one of the best sources of sensory toys globally, providing a vast selection of toys for different age categories. The toys are customized to enhance learning experiences, provide sensory feedback and help with developmental challenges.
One of the most favorite sensory toy categories is fidget toys. Fidget toys assist kids who need to move, wiggle, or play with something when focusing on tasks or in stressful situations. Fidget toys come in various shapes, sizes, and colors, including squishy toys, stress balls, tangles, and fidget spinners.
Sensory toys are manufactured in different materials, texture, and shapes to cater for all children’s needs, including those with mobility issues. Sensory Toys Australia offers toys made from soft and easy-grip materials such as silicone, plastic, and cloth.
A weighted blanket is an excellent example of sensory toys that offer deep pressure touch stimulation, relaxing children with nervousness or anxiety. The weighted blanket works by producing a feeling of deep compression to provide a sense of security and calmness to the user.
One of the most helpful sensory toys for children, especially those with ASD, is the interactive sensory panel. The panel comprises a combination of challenges and manipulative objects that improve hand-eye coordination, logical thinking, and dexterity development.
Light toys, such as bubble tubes and light panels, are perfect toys for kids with visual impairments. The bubble tube consists of a tube housing multiple bubbles with LED lights at their base. These toys provide visual stimulation through presence, colors, and a dynamic changing pattern that children with visual impairments can feel and interact with.
Auditory toys, such as musical toys, amplify soothing sounds that enhance a child’s auditory sense. The toys provide auditory feedback, enabling children to appreciate the different sound sensations, tones, and rhythms. Musical toys also help in developing sharp listening abilities, song recognition, and rhythm coordination.
Sensory Toys Australia offers numerous toys to improve arousal and alertness levels in children. One of the best examples is the ‘Bumpy’ balancing board, a training board that improves a child’s balance, coordination, and stability. The board has a non-slip textured surface that provides extraneous input to ease a child’s jitteriness.
Sensory skills are vital life skills that reduce anxiety and improve self-regulation abilities. Sensory Toys Australia offers sensory kits tailored to children’s varying needs. The sensory kit comprises a variety of toys in one pack, providing children with a range of sensory play experiences.
Sensory toys are beneficial toys for children of all ages, developing various skills such as cognitive, sensory, and motor skills. Sensory Toys Australia offers a wide range of toys tailored to the different needs of each child. The toys combine learning and play to augment the cognitive development of the child and provide the necessary sensory stimulation required. Give your child the best sensory toy experiences with Sensory Toys Australia.