Electric Car Charging Stations – Things To Know

Green vehicles are increasingly becoming popular, and many environment-conscious people are switching over to electric cars for their travels. Environment-friendly initiatives like this go a long way towards reducing carbon footprint and pollution. If you are planning to invest in an electric car you must also know about electric car charging stations – an essential aspect of managing your vehicle’s functioning. Here are some factors about charging stations to keep in mind.

Private charging – You can invest in an electric car charger and charge your vehicle at home. Similar to a mobile phone charger, an electric charger connects the car to the electric source to charge.

Public refueling – While you can recharge your vehicle at home, you have public options too. For that, you will need to select a network that provides it. Networks are available all across the country, and each one functions in a unique way to deliver power. It is a good idea to learn how the networks work and how you can use them.

Cost of recharging – The fee structure in different charging stations varies. Most generally offer a monthly subscription or have a pay-as-you-use option. You need to find out the most conducive one for your vehicle and go with it. There are also free options that are available on college campuses.

Routes more traveled – If you have a regular traveling radius, it is helpful to find the charging stations in the road. Almost every network has multiple stations in an area to provide drivers with several options. Explore the networks to check their locations and zero down on the ones you would like to use.

Electric cars are increasingly becoming more and more popular, and more charging stations are likely to come up everywhere. You can search the internet to know about the stations in your vicinity. You can also get personal recommendations from family and friends about the ones that you can approach to refuel your car. You can locate an electric car charging station by searching online too. You can also download apps to help you find one.

Electric car charging stations are a welcome invention of recent times. The transition from regular fuels towards electricity is helpful to reduce fossil fuel emissions and is also generally cheaper for consumers in the long run. The change is beneficial for both the environment and also our wallets. Several experts say that soon electric vehicles will replace all gasoline or diesel-powered cars.

Factors To Consider When Choosing Electric Car Charging Stations

Finding a charging station for your electric car be daunting for anyone doing it for the first time; there are many options out there, each made with different features and specifications for use in various electric cars. Therefore, you need to have multiple factors in mind that will enable you to know what to choose for your car depending on your car’s features and charging system. You will have more than two Electric Car Charging Stations options to choose from; you should know the following to enable you to narrow down all the options you might be having to one best for your car. Here is what you need to have in mind:

How faster can your EV Charge?

Most electric cars tend to be faster when charging than others as they need power that ranges between 3.7Kw and 22Kw; these will be determined by the electric’s car inbuilt onboard charger. Therefore any car that needs 3.7 kW can be easily changed in any charging station with quick charging powers but with a maximum of 3.7 kW. Based on the weakest points’ trend having the maximum charging powers, knowing how fast your EV can charge will help you understand where to take your car.

Your electric car’s plugs

Most electric cars have two types of plugs: type 1 and type 2; if your car has a type 2 car plug, you can only charge it in a charging station equipped with permanently connected charging cables. Cars with type 1 plugs cannot get charged in these charging stations; instead, they can be charged in stations with their right adaptor, which happens to be expensive than charging the type 2 plug cars. The type 2 plugs offer you the highest flexibility levels and can be used in almost all charging stations.


This should always be among the top things you consider when looking for a better charging station for your electric car. You might have options of installing the charging system on your car or always go out to public places for the services. Do your mathematics and find out where you are likely to spend more than the other; however, charging outside becomes cheaper for anyone who has a car with the type 2 plugs and expensive for the type 1 plugs.


It might become challenging to find the best option for your car; with the various Electric Car Charging Stations available, you need to be conversant with your choice. With some knowledge and proper understanding of your car and the charging stations, you expect you will be in a position to choose the best one for your electric car.

Ways To Reduce Cost Of Car Charging Stations Australia

Electric vehicles are becoming a need for current generations who prefer speed and don’t like to wait. The industry of EV is growing fast, all because people can quickly locate and use car charging stations Australia. These charging points allow every person to travel around with peace of mind. With the rising demand for Electric vehicles, more and more brands are installing power stations all around Australia. Therefore, whether you need a charge to keep going with your routine or for long-distance travel, you won’t have to think twice about charging as you know that stations are available everywhere.

How to Reduce the Cost of EV charging?

Although there are tons of public stations available in Australia, people are worried about the cost related to these charging points. Here are some quick ways to reduce the cost associated with this solution.

Install EV Charger at Home

Today, a person can get a wide variety of chargers that can be used for electric vehicles. You need to read reviews of these charges and find out what would work best for your vehicle. Setting up a charging point at your home brings a convenience factor. A person can charge his car as and when he needs, no need to travel around and search for a car charging station nearby. You won’t have to pay money to charge your vehicle, you might pay more in terms of electricity bill, but still, there is a saving point that makes at-home EV charging “The best solution.”

Avail Car Charging Deals

With the increasing demand for Electric vehicles, many brands offer free car charging services to their customers. When a person is eating lunch in restraint, he can park his car in the station and turn on the charger, and there is no extra fee for availing this factor. So, these stations are attracting customers by offering them free EV charging services. If you want to reduce your charging cost, it’s better to opt for this option.

Do Charging at Work

Today, every company wants to offer a sustainable workplace to its employees. Therefore, it’s offering free of cost or low-cost EV charging solutions to its employees. So, another way to reduce the cost associated with public car charging Stations Australia is to charge your vehicle at your workplace. You might pay some fee for this charging, but it will be lower than you pay at a public station.

Ultimate Guide To EV Charging Stations

When looking for electric car charging stations, it is wise to consider some of your car’s basic and design features to pick a good charging station. But this depends on how much you understand your new electric vehicle. People find it hard and confusing to choose the right charging stations and end up buying a wrong charging station. We know the charging market better and always ensure that our readers get the best buying advice on what to buy. Any charging station you should buy should provide your car with a faster and safer charging rate. Here are some crucial factors/things that you should always consider when looking for an electric car charging station.

Factors to Consider When Choosing an EV Charging Station

Charging Time

Charging time varies from one charging station to another, and this is one of the key things that differentiate the type and quality of a charging station. Some cars also have some features that help them charge faster, but the key determinant of the rate you should charge is the charging station you buy. It is then wise to consider buying charging stations with faster charger features as they allow your car to have a full charge faster and safer.


Price paly a major role in the type and design of the electric car charging stations to buy and install. Like any other market product, the variation of the price is tired to quality and charging time. As an EV car owner, it is then wise to have a full and comprenhesive idea of the market price on electric charging stations before making any move towards buying or drafting your budget. Better charging stations will cost you a lot, but it doesn’t mean you have to consider the most expensive brands in the market. Take your time and find a choice that fits into your budget and your car charging specifications. Any price below the market price can be wise, but you should also check for compatibility and other features before buying.

Plug Type

The charging plug in your car should determine the charging station you should buy for your electric vehicle. Type one cables should always be used with charging stations compatible with type one power cords. The same applies to type two plugs; take your time or find more about your car plugs before making any move towards buying or installing a new EV charging station. It is also wise to find more information about your car charging specification for a better and good charging station.

EV Charging Stations Australia Re-Power EV Batteries At A Blazing Speed

Imagine your life without an electric car for a minute, and it feels like your life is stuck, and you can’t go out with freedom. To keep your vehicle up to speed all the time, you need to use EV Charging Stations Australia. When it comes to charging your electric car, then you have two standard choices to make. One is to have your home charging station while another option is to avail services from a public charging station.

Home Charging Vs. Public Charging

Just like all other options, a home charging station is a way to cut down your cost of charging. Yes, you need to spend money on having a complete set up of charging stations at home. The basic set-up requires some investment from your side, but this investment is worth it. Once you have your own charging system, you won’t need to pay recurring fees at a public charging station. However, you will have to pay more in terms of your monthly electricity bills.

Public Charging Stations are indeed the best choice for charging the battery of the electric car. In less time, you can charge your battery for more than 80 miles. As these charging stations are robust, therefore, they require less time to load. Efficiency and speed make them a great option. In case of an emergency, when you are away from your home and need quick charging to keep going, then nothing works better than this charger.

You can rely on home, charging most of the time, as it is a cost-effective method. However, it would be best if you opted for public charging in case of immediate needs.

How to Find a Public EV Charging Station?

To cater to the needs of every person, several EV Charging Stations Australia are offering 24/7 services. It’s not difficult to find those stations. All you have to do is search in Google ” EV Charging Stations near me,” and in a matter of seconds, you would be able to locate multiple stations around your location. It’s very convenient to go there and charge your electric car at a reasonable speed. For example, only with one hour of charging you can re-power your EV batteries for 20-25 miles of range. Unlike DC Charger that takes more time and offers less mileage power, EV charger can deliver efficient power in less time. A DC charger can charge 70-80 percent of a battery in 30-40 minutes.

Electric Car Charging Stations

As soon as a person purchases a new electric car, they automatically need to start changing the way they think about refueling. Gone are the days where a person needs to go to the gas station to fill up every once in a while. Instead, it comes down to finding ways to plug-in and use a charging station.

There is no doubt that electric car charging stations are showing up more and more in today’s world. With so many people driving electric vehicles these days, that number is only going to go up in the next few years. There are a lot of keys when it comes to not only using the stations but spotting them and figuring out how much time it is going to take in general.

The first thing to keep in mind is that charging at home is going to be the best bet for consistency. Most people will try to have something at home so that they are never caught without any way to use the vehicle.

Once out and about, it becomes a little more complicated to get that fuel for longer trips. There are a number of applications out there that list fueling stations, and people will also get a good feeling on where they are located just out of necessity from time to time.

At this point, very few charging stations are that popular that they are constantly filled up with people trying to charge. There might be a little bit of a wait at times, but most people can slide in and out without much of an issue.

Charging does take a little bit of time, so have something to do and plan ahead. There might be a store nearby that a person can pop into, or catching up on some work with the laptop is another way to make everything work. It’s important to keep the stop in mind because the last thing a person wants to do is be running late, only to need a charging stop.

Treat each electric car charging station with respect, and everyone in the community will be very thankful for that. If a charging station is not treated properly, there’s a chance it might not work down the road, and that just means one less opportunity for people who are in need of some fuel to get to where they want in the shortest amount of time possible.

Examining Car Charging Stations Australia

Electric vehicles are fast becoming popular especially in the developed world. As manufacturers realize more cost-effective solutions for their EV products, more consumers are now entering the market. However, the momentum remains low in Australia. Range anxiety seems to be a major concern to potential customers, compounded by lack of charging infrastructure and ineffective policies. This might soon change as more players invest in car charging stations Australia.

Private investors are in the front line to making EV charging in Australia a reality. Charging stations have now been installed in major cities, with plans to set up more. Some of the cities linked include Melbourne, Canberra, Adelaide, Brisbane, Sydney, and Perth. Plans are also underway to link Victoria and New South Wales.

The state governments and federal government of Australia are equally fulfilling their role in the installation of solar charging infrastructure. The EV market is bound for a major boost following plans to install superfast charging stations along major highways. Upon completion, these 350-kilowatt stations will deliver a charge equivalent of 350-kilometer driving range within 15 minutes only. Car manufacturers are equally setting up ground by installing model-specific charging infrastructure.

The convenience of operating electric vehicles does not end with the installation of new stations. Operators have now rolled out mobile apps to monitor and report on charging station assets. Through networking infrastructure, the apps provide information such as which stations are free or how close you are to a station. Operators can use the data generated to make informed developmental decisions.

Even as we anticipate this boost, operating an electric vehicle in Australia is not much a problem at the moment. Most car owners can still charge their automobiles at home or at their places of work. There are enough charging stations within major cities to support electric vehicles. Unlike petrol stations, most car charging stations Australia are not open to the public eye but hidden in basements or commercial building car parks. Given that most city dwellers drive approximately 30 kilometers in a day, a single charge can serve for several days.

Electric vehicles are unarguably the next major thing in the transport sector. They have the potential to enhance fuel security and lower transport costs, as well as making green cities sustainable. However, this might remain a dream if proper planning is not done. All stakeholders first need to reach a consensus on industry standards for charging accessories. Research is also required to examine the sustainability of electric vehicles without being a burden to the national power grid. Drivers must also be given more information on chargers and charging stations.