With the right instructional approach Dyslexia Reading Programs for children can not only teach them to read fluently but with confidence, as dyslexia is not linked in any way to a child’s intelligence(low), hearing or even vision problems.
And for a child to overcome this that is the first thing the parent and the teacher must learn to accept and encourage to the pupil, and his classmates.
Just like there was always a stigma attached to pupils who wore specs from early age and was ridiculed because of the child’s peers and their misunderstanding, so many teachers have used the specs example of a way for a dyslexic pupils peers to learn and accept him as an equal which is another step forward in coping with dyslexia.
So let’s look at some quick Q’s and A’s to help understand and help these students:
The best news ever is that yes a child can!
If he or she has the proper home support and instruction at school (Montessori schools are best here) there is no reason why they cannot learn to read, and well.
Dyslexia Reading Programs itself does not make a child not able to read but how he sees the words and comprehend it when he reads, especially when reading out loud in front of his peers and that with the difficulty of peer pressure is where they struggle and sometimes just give up.
The best way to teach such a student to read and spell with ease and confidence is to use what is known as a multisensory structured language education (MSLE) approach.
As a child, if taught to learn to concentrate and exercise constant accelerated reading, it will not only improve fluency but comprehension as well, which will have a lasting benefit but as an adult because of the brain having been trained already, as a bad thing, they can still improve by doing the reverse: ie: reading slowly and sounding out their words and then to increase as they get better.
MSLE is the break away from the normal way of teaching children to read.
The usual or standard way is to use one or two senses but not always hand in hand whereas MSLE uses all at once, for example, apple.
Let them feel an apple(sense of touch) while you say the word apple(auditory phonetically and let them watch your mouth word the pronunciation (sight)of apple and let them write the word apple written on the board or paper(sight hand coordination).
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