Benefits Of An Air Purifier With HEPA Filter

Benefits Of An Air Purifier With HEPA Filter

Our environment can be thought of as an extension of our bodies. Whatever happens in our surroundings will surely affect us in one way or another. That is why people try to make their homes as clean and comfortable as possible. For example, we install HVAC systems for temperature control, ventilation, and air filtration. However, this is usually insufficient when it comes to improving indoor air quality. If you would like better results, then consider getting a separate air purifier with HEPA filter.

Reduce the Risk of Allergies and Illness

Air purifier with HEPA filter to balance particle removal with air flow. They can only catch large impurities because they need to be wide enough to let the air pass through at a fast rate. This is fine for protecting the interior of the equipment from dirt and dust. However, it leaves the occupants vulnerable to allergens and pathogens. High efficiency filters are able to fill the gap by removing pollutants that are as small as 0.3 microns.

No Need to Retrofit the HVAC System

It is possible to directly use HEPA filters in HVAC systems but this will require significant retrofitting to account for the reduced air flow. The ducts may have to be redesigned. More blowers may have to be installed to keep the air moving at the desired rate. This can be costly and time-consuming. With a separate air purifier, there is no need to modify the HVAC equipment in any way. Just place the unit in any room that needs its help and turn it on.

Improve the Quality of Your Sleep

Good sleep is necessary for our bodies to recharge and keep going. Sleeping well is one of the most important things that we can do for our physical and mental health. It will help us avoid burnout and irritability. It will allow us to stay productive for longer. If you are having trouble sleeping due to coughs, runny nose, and itchiness, then there may be an excess of pollutants in the room. Use an air purifier to deal with the problem once and for all.

Remove Unpleasant Odors

Bad smells around the house should be dealt with immediately. They seldom go away on their own. More often, they get worse as time passes. Let your nose lead you to the problem and clean it up. This could be dead animals in hidden corners of the house, gas leaks, pet waste, dirty beddings, and so on. If you have already removed the offending items but the smell lingers, then use the air purifier to remove unpleasant odors.

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