As any mother or father could tell you, holding your baby close is one of the most satisfying, heartwarming, and enjoyable experiences to be had. That is one of the reasons why baby slings in Australia and other countries around the world have increased in popularity. There are other reasons for the popularity of baby slings, which are not a new phenomenon, as women have used these slings for centuries to carry their infants.
While it may have been the tradition of the past that the mother was the one who carried baby around in a sling, this is certainly not the case today. Many proud fathers have taken to using a sling as well. Carrying your infant in a baby sling strengthens the bond between parent and baby because the baby is held close to the parent’s body. It goes without saying that babies thrive both emotionally and physically when they are rocked and held close. It is an emotional bonding experience for both the infant and the parent. In general, babies like to be wrapped tightly in a blanket as this gives them a feeling safety. Using a sling gives your child this same safe and snuggled feeling of contentment and security.
For centuries, women carried their infants in something similar to the modern day baby sling. This method kept the infant close while allowing the mother freedom of movement as she went about her day. The same is true today, as baby slings are designed to provide hands free ease of movement, whether you are at the market, strolling through the park, or working in the garden.
Another potential benefit is language development in your infant. The more infants are exposed to the human voice, the more rapidly they will pick up language skills that will be with them for a lifetime. Whether they are hearing your soothing words as you speak directly to them or they are hearing words spoken to other family members, friends, and neighbors, their developing brains are soaking up those language skills.
After just a bit of practice, most parents find that baby slings are incredibly easy to use. You can place your child in the sling so that they are lying down and cradled, sitting up and facing forward, facing you, resting on your hip, or even being carried on your back. In addition, keep in mind that you can carry your child in a sling from newborn through toddler.
With so many options and wonderful benefits, it is no wonder that baby slings in Australia have become a popular choice with parents today.
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