The gallbladder is a tiny organ in the upper abdominal region that collects and stores bile, which helps in the breakdown of fats. The gallbladder can develop small, hard deposits, known as gallstones. The condition of developing gallstones is a common phenomenon. However, if the condition invokes other health problems, removal through surgery will be advisable. For instance, you will need surgery in a situation whereby your gallbladder ceases its functions, and there is a feeling of pain in the region. Previously, a large incision, an open surgery, could be made to extract the gallstones. However, currently a tiny object, laparoscope, can be used to make a few cuts. This type of approach is called a laparoscopic surgery and is typically an invasive form. Here is an overview of laparoscopic gallstone surgery North Shore.
Procedure of Cholecystectomy
Laparoscopic gallbladder surgery is also referred to as cholecystectomy. It removes the gallstones and gallbladder through a series of tiny cuts or incisions. The process commences by the inflation of the abdomen to assist in visibility. A laparoscope contains a video camera and is inserted in an incision located at the belly button. The video camera helps in the navigation and location of the gallbladder and gallstones. Prior to the removal of the gallstones, intraoperative cholangiography, a specialized X-ray, is performed to reveal the bile duct anatomy. Anesthesia lasting for about two hours is also administered before the surgery. After the removal of the gallbladder and gallstones, bile flows directly into the small intestines from the liver. The removal has insignificant effects on digestion, although bile storage between two meals has been impaired.
Gallbladder surgery is simple, and one can consider being an out- or inpatient depending on preference. Inpatients can stay under hospital care for about 1 or 2 days. After the surgery, the patient can resume normal routines between seven and ten days. Although there are minimal complications, soreness can persist for up to seven days. However, after about two weeks, discomfort may disappear, especially for those that had open surgery. Fortunately, there are no precautions or special diets needed for recovery.
Efficacy of Laparoscopic Gallstone Surgery
The approach is the gallstone surgery North Shore. Cholecystectomy is commonly used when there is no complication associated with gallstone condition that may complicate the procedure. Additionally, cholecystectomy is the most effective and safe method for the removal of gallbladder and gallstones. Although the surgery removes gallstones in the gallbladder, it cannot get rid of gallstones located in the bile duct. Notably, gallstones are uncommon and often rare in the bile duct.
Laparoscopic surgery is safe and effective. Although the operation is safe, few complications, such as infections on the incision and internal bleeding, may be common.
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