Acupuncture For Digestion Problems

Acupuncture For Digestion Problems

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the stomach is viewed as a cooking vessel that breaks down consumed food and transforms it into nutrients and energy for the body. The spleen is viewed as the digestive fire that heats it up. The food is cooked and broken down by the stomach. The uncontaminated part then goes to the spleen for distribution to other parts of the body. It then eliminates the waste as urine and feces.

Maintaining this digestive fire is essential and too much raw and cold foods can extinguish the digestive fire. This could result in weakening and slowing down the digestive system. Additionally, overconsumption of rich, hot or spicy foods could make the digestive fire too hot. The constitution of each patient varies widely; therefore, to determine the foods that affect you, a licensed acupuncturist will carry out an examination to determine the best course of treatment.

Acupuncture for Digestion Issues

It is recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) that acupuncture can be used to treat the effects of certain digestive problems. These include:


This is often cured with a single treatment, which stimulates the digestive system. However, a number of patients afflicted with chronic constipation usually require long-term treatment that clears stagnation or excess accumulation.

Ulcerative Colitis

Extensive research has indicated that acupuncture can provide release from ulcerative colitis and many other inflammatory bowel diseases. Traditionally, acupuncture has been used to treat inflammatory bowel disease in China. This is now increasingly being applied in Western countries.


This problem can be occasional or chronic and both can be treated by acupuncture. In TCM, this is described as an accumulation of dampness or cold in the digestive system. A clearing, strengthening and warming treatment of the digestive tract effectively heals diarrhea.


Gas accumulation or bloating could result from a combination of unbalanced food choices, weakened digestive system and stagnation. Treatments assist in the digestive process of breaking down foods with no accumulation of bloating or gas.


This digestive condition is treated by carrying out an examination to determine the symptoms of each patient. The majority of treatments include the process of clearing heat from inflammation. This promotes digestive tract healing. The symptom of each patient could differ slightly. The treatment is adapted to each individual.


Acupuncture treatment can effectively prevent the bile reflux and intra-esophageal acid in GERD patients. This goes a far way in relieving the painful symptoms of indigestion. With acupuncture, stomach acidity may be restored to normal levels and the functions of the small and large intestine can be regulated.

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