Acupuncture For Acne Treatment

Acupuncture For Acne Treatment

For thousands of years, Eastern experts have been using acupuncture for acne treatment. This has been proven as an effective means of treating the condition throughout Asia. Over the years, this treatment has been gaining more and more popularity among acupuncture practitioners from Western regions and other locations around the world.

It has been found in Traditional Chinese Medicine that one individual’s acne is different from another and as such, each individual must be treated by tending to his or her unique set of symptoms. In order to get this done, the acupuncturist must endeavor to figure out the root cause of the acne as this is the only way of bringing balance to the body.

The experienced and reputable acupuncturist will carry out an examination at the outbreak site to figure out the type of acne a particular patient has; whether it is damp, heat, stagnation, toxicity or a combination of the types outlined. He or she will also determine the overall appearance of the skin, the degree of inflammation and the overall health of the body.

Additionally, the pulse and tongue reflect the nature of the acne-causing imbalance. For instance, if the tongue is pale with a thick white coating, this is reflective of dampness but if the tongue is red with a thick yellow coating, this reflects heat.

How Acupuncture for Acne Treatment is Carried Out

Acupuncture for acne treatment is customized to address the specific needs of a patient. Points near the site of the acne breakout may be used along with those points on the legs and arms that lay on acupuncture meridians. This assists with relaxation, stimulating the movement of qi, reducing inflammation, improving digestion and balancing hormones.

Treatment for Different Types of Acne

Blackheads and Whiteheads

Blackheads and whiteheads, which are also referred to as comedonal acne, happen when hair follicles on the back, chest and face become clogged. In TCM, heat and dampness are the primary causes of this type of acne. LI4 (He Gu) and LU5 (Chi Ze) may be used to treat these conditions.

Inflammatory Acne

This is caused by inflamed lesions that produce pustules and red pimples. Heat significantly contributes to inflammatory acne and cause imbalances that are reflected in red skin and red inflamed pustules and papules. Included among acupuncture points are LI 4 (He Gu) and LI 11 (Qu Chi) on the arms will typically be used with local acupuncture to treat inflammatory acne. “Ouch point” or acupuncture close to the acne is used to treat inflammatory type acne. Acupuncture has proven to reduce acne-related inflammation.

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