ABCs Of Physio Massage Gold Coast

ABCs Of Physio Massage Gold Coast

Keep at least one pen or spare syringes and insulin bottles in case you break a pen. The following are some useful information for those who take care with insulin.

Insulin (or pre-filled pen) in use: it should not be stored in the refrigerator but at room temperature and can be used safely for about 1 month after first use. It must also be protected from extreme temperatures, excessive temperature changes and sunlight.

Insulin not in use: it should be stored in the refrigerator (2 ° C), never in the freezer and should be extracted at least 30 minutes before the injection and brought to room temperature keeping it in the palm of your hand for a few minutes as shown by the Physio Massage Gold Coast.

It is important to keep at least one pen (or a syringe and a bottle of insulin) in the event that the pen breaks. Insulin injection should be subcutaneous. It guarantees a correct absorption of insulin, the injections must be performed in the subcutaneous tissue and not in the muscle or dermis.

The most appropriate locations for a correct insulin injection are 4: Abdomen: fast absorption (indicated site for rapid, very rapid and premixed insulin injection.

Arms: medium/fast absorption (location indicated for the injection of intermediate insulins and for a prolonged duration)
Thighs: medium (indicated site for the injection of intermediate insulins and of prolonged duration). Buttocks: slow (indicated site for the injection of intermediate insulins and for a prolonged duration)

Repeated injections in the same place within the site can cause problems: swelling, skin depressions or redness, bruising up to the formation of severe lipodystrophies. Therefore, it is important to always check the injection sites before administering the insulin. Physio Massage Gold Coast is useful in the event of muscle pain.

Rotate inside the sites (moving about 1 cm from the point of the previous injection to avoid repeated tissue traumas). A scheme that has proved effective provides for the injection sites to be divided into quadrants (or half when using thighs and buttocks) by injecting into a quadrant a week and then moving clockwise.

The injection techniques are different depending on the length of the needle. Up to 5 mm the needle should be positioned 90 degrees from the injection site.

Beyond 5 mm the needle should be positioned at 45 degrees from the injection site or using the pinching technique, being careful to lift only the subcutaneous skin and tissue, not including the muscle and using only the thumb and index/middle finger. Hold the pen with the needle upwards and press the button completely until a drop of insulin appears.

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