7 Facts You Need To Know About Evacuation Sirens

7 Facts You Need To Know About Evacuation Sirens

With the growing need for emergency evacuations due to hurricanes and other natural calamities, evacuation sirens have become rife in disaster-prone areas. Nevertheless, little is known about these sirens. In fact, for most people, these sirens are nothing but a way of letting people know when there are immediate evacuation orders.

Here are 7 facts you need to know about evacuation sirens.

They are meant for outdoor use

These sirens are outdoor warning systems that are designed to warn those that are outdoors of approaching danger. You won’t hear these systems if you are indoors.

They won’t warn you of every dangerous natural calamity

Sirens are designed to warn you of impending danger as far as weather conditions and natural calamities are concerned. They alert you when there is an evacuation exercise, but not to warn you of every dangerous natural calamity.

They can sound several times

Evacuation sirens can sound many times depending on the severity of the weather condition. But the key is to prepare for an evacuation right after you hear the siren sound for the very first time.

They don’t give an all-clear signal

When you hear the sound of an evacuation signal, you shouldn’t expect to get an all-clear signal. Go indoors and follow the local media to get updates on the impending natural calamity such as storms or hurricanes.

There are guidelines for sounding evacuation sirens

Evacuation sirens don’t just work anyhow, but there is a strict guideline outlining when they should sound. In most cases, your state’s National Weather Service department will issue guidelines for sounding these sirens. If you are in doubt, you can consult a local evacuation siren expert to advise you accordingly.

They vary in features

Like any other device out there, evacuation sirens aren’t made equal. They differ greatly on features. Some have lots of features than others, and other sirens are more technical than others. For instance, some sirens offer text alerts while others offer sound alerts only. The siren you’ll choose will depend on your personal preferences.

They don’t cover all areas

Evacuation sirens don’t cover all areas. They only cover disaster-prone areas, or areas that are more vulnerable to natural calamities including hurricanes and tsunamis. They mostly cover populated areas.

Parting Thoughts

Evacuation sirens are quite essential for people living in areas that are prone to storms, hurricanes and thunder winds. They don’t just warn you of impending dangers, but they help you get prepared for evacuation especially if you reside in high-risk areas.

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