5 Tips You Must Know About Custom Flag Printing

5 Tips You Must Know About Custom Flag Printing

Printed custom flags can be an efficient method of advertising. These flags can be used almost anywhere and for either outdoor or indoor use. Custom flag printing offers a great way to gain potential clients and to capture people’s attention. But like other forms of advertising, you have to figure out how you can get the most of these flags for them to benefit your business. As a guide, here are 5 tips you must know about custom flag printing.

For titles, make use of bold letters

The titles you choose for your custom printed flags are quite essential. Great titles prompt the audience to read the message that is printed on your custom printed flags. So the titles have to be printed in such a way that the intended audience can see and read them easily. Using bold letters for your titles can make them legible for your target audience. Besides using bold letters for your titles, the titles have to be unique to generate interest among your target audience.

Be creative with letter spaces

Uppercase letters aren’t a great option for titles. To make your titles more prominent, get creative with letter spaces. Using additional letter-spaces with a combination of uppercase letters can make your titles more prominent. This trick is quite effective, particularly in large-sized printed flags.

Use contrasting colors

Ensure your custom printed flags have contrasting colors to capture your audience’s attention. For instance, if you have utilized bold and straight fonts for the titles, then the rest of the message should have cursive fonts. Use a combination of contrasting colors, while ensuring these colors aren’t affecting the readability of your message.

Use a variety of colors for the fonts

To highlight special words in your custom printed flags, make use of a variety of colors for the fonts. If the message in your flags has special words like ‘Free’ or ‘New’, use brighter colors for such words. This helps your target audience to pay special attention to these words.

Use thin and big fonts

A combination of thin and big fonts can make the message on your custom printed flags eye-catching. Better still, thin fonts can give your flags a clean look.


There you have it; some of the top aspects you need to keep in mind when it comes to custom flag printing. Generally, custom flag printing can benefit your business a great deal. So, always ensure that your custom-designed flags have the right message that can appeal and resonate with your target audience.

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