Most men go to strip clubs to see partially or completely naked women. When you go to the strip club, chances are you see the stripper for what she is while on stage dancing, but nothing more. There are things to know about strippers that will not only make your trip to the strip club more fun but to understand that they are more than what they appear to be on the surface.
A Stripper Is Playing a Part
A stripper who is good at her job understands that flirting is a great way to make money. When a stripper sits on your lap and starts flirting or talking dirty, she is playing a part. There is a good chance that she doesn’t behave this way outside of the club. She simply knows what men want so that she can make as much money as possible.
Strippers Have Lives Outside of the Club
Most men watch a stripper, but they don’t think about her life outside of the club. Many strippers go to college, they have day jobs, and they have children. Many strippers take this type of job so they can make full-time pay by working a few nights a week. This helps them supplement their income, pay for college or save up to buy a home. Just because you only see the stripper in the club, she has a life outside that could be more interesting than you might think.
Stripping Is a Tough Job
Many men watch a stripper work, and they think that she has it made. They see gorgeous women making hundreds of dollars a night doing nothing but dancing on stage, and they think that it must be an easy job. Stripping isn’t as easy as most people think. A stripper worth her salt needs to be able to dance and work a pole. On an average night, a stripper needs to get on stage several times. This puts a lot of stress on the body. When you consider that strippers dance in 10-inch stilettos, it puts even more stress on the body.
Also, strippers need to deal with drunk men all night, which can be difficult and frustrating. Drunk men tend to be aggressive, handsy, and even belligerent. It takes a lot of tact and patience to deal with these men and get through the night.
Finally, being a stripper can do a number on a woman’s self-esteem. When you put 20 to 30 women in a dressing room together, it isn’t uncommon for a stripper to see her beautiful co-workers and pick out things that they would love to change about themselves.
Being a stripper isn’t only physically demanding, but it is also mentally and emotionally draining.
The next time you go to a strip club, you should keep the points listed here. This will change the way you speak to the girls, and they will appreciate it.