Everything You Need To Know About RPM Discs

Everything You Need To Know About RPM Discs

RPM Discs are a relatively new type of disc golf disc that has been gaining in popularity over the past few years. They are designed to fly faster and straighter than traditional discs, making them a great option for experienced players. –

In this article, we will discuss the basics of RPM discs, including their history, how they fly, and some tips on how to use them. We hope that this information will help you decide if RPM discs are right for you.

RPM discs were first introduced in 2008 by Latitude 64, a Swedish disc golf company.

The RPM stands for “rotation per minute”, and refers to the way that the disc spins when it is thrown. RPM discs are designed to have a lower spin rate than traditional discs, which makes them fly straighter and faster. –

RPM discs are made from a special plastic that is designed to be durable and grippy.

They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, so you can find one that fits your style of play.

RPM discs fly differently than traditional discs because of their low spin rate. When thrown correctly, they will fly straight and fast with a little fade at the end of the flight.

If you’re looking for a disc that flies differently than what you’re used to, RPM discs are worth checking out.

RPM discs are a great option for anyone who is looking for a disc that flies differently than what they are used to.

Swedish disc golf company RPM Discs manufactures discs with a lower spin rate designed to fly straighter and faster with little fade at the end of the flight.

If you’re looking for a disc that flies differently than what you are used to, RPM discs are worth checking out.

They are a great option for anyone who is looking for a disc that flies differently than what they are used to. RPM discs fly differently than traditional discs because of their low spin rate.

Are they expensive?

No, RPM discs are very reasonably priced. You can find them for around $20 USD.

What about their customer service?

RPM Discs has excellent customer service. They are always willing to help with any questions or concerns you may have.

Anyone can use them?

RPM discs are great for all skill levels. They are easy to throw and fly well.

Do they come in different weights?

Yes, RPM discs come in a variety of weights. You can find them in weights ranging from 150 grams to 180 grams.

In conclusion, RPM discs are a great option for anyone looking for a disc that flies differently than what they are used to. They are very reasonably priced and have excellent customer service.

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