5 Reasons To Use Sit Stand Desk

5 Reasons To Use Sit Stand Desk

If you haven’t heard about sit stand desks, the chances are that where you work has a few people using them. Even though the trend might seem like a passing fad, it really isn’t. People are always looking for ways to make their lives better and healthier. This is why there’s been an increase in not only the popularity of these types of desks but also their accessibility for anyone who wants one. If you’re thinking about getting one or want to get rid of your old desk and buy a new one, then here are 5 reasons why this is something you should consider doing today!

1) Sit Stand Desk Can Help Your Health

The whole reason companies started selling these things was because they wanted to help improve your health. This is because sitting for long periods of time can harm your health. It puts you at risk for heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and blood clots. At the same time, it produces lower back pain in some cases that can also be dangerous. While research is still out on whether these desks are successful in their mission, they’re definitely something to consider if you want to improve your health.

2) Sit Stand Desks Can Improve Your Productivity

If firstly improving your health isn’t enough motivation, then there’s always the argument that it can make you more productive as well. Per studies done by The University Of Utah, using these types of desks has shown an increase in productivity by 16%. Not only that, but they found a decrease in sick days by 7%. If you’re looking to land a promotion at work or just want to be more productive throughout the day, then these could definitely help your case.

3) They Can Help With Your Creativity

Some studies claim that there’s no direct link between creativity and being healthier, but they do know that it can have an impact on it. The same study mentioned above found that their participants were 12% more creative during the day needed using their sit-stand desk. This is because your brain works best when you move around instead of just sitting still for long periods of time. It gives your brain a chance to rest after working hard, which will make it easier for you to think outside the box during meetings or even while writing up that report you’ve been putting off.

4) They’re More Affordable Than You Think

Another reason why more and more people are making the switch is that it’s becoming easier to get them affordably. Stores have started selling them for less than $200, which might seem like a lot, but it isn’t when you consider that they usually last just about forever if treated well. That price is even lower than most desks out there, so really, you don’t have much of an excuse not to buy one since your old desk probably doesn’t have much life left in it anyways!

5) Sit Stand Desks Are Convenient To Use

Sit stand desks are lighter than ever before, which makes them very portable. This means that you can easily move them around or even take them with you if your job requires you to go around the office a lot. This makes it much easier to adjust depending on what you’re doing since it can be annoying having to keep adjusting your desk back and forth all day long. Most desks are also able to be programmed for each individual person, so there’s really no reason why everyone can’t make this change today!

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